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Friday, December 2, 2011

And MSNBC Wonders Why Ratings Are Lower Than Whale Poop?

And MSNBC Wonders Why Ratings Are Lower Than Whale Poop?

“I think she’s… this is going to get me in trouble, but I actually think she’s just more smarter” - Meghan McCain

By Dell Hill

What I really appreciate in political discussions - especially on television - is in-depth, knowledgeable, articulation which utilizes plain English to convey an unambiguous message.

To give you a perfect example, here’s a brief clip of a recent discussion on MSDNC.  Meghan McCain, that renowned word-smith and political observer extraordinaire was asked to compare Michele Bachmann to Sarah Palin.

In case you need a transcription, Jammie Wearing Fools is up to the task.

“I think she’s… this is going to get me in trouble, but I actually think she’s just more smarter,” explained McCain.

“I think that she’s more um, you know, on foreign policy, I mean I just think all the things she’s done, the debates, I’ve been very impressed,” continued McCain, “and I just think she’s older and more established, and you know, she’s been a member of Congress for a very long time.”

Bachmann has been in Congress since 2007.

Is it any wonder that Charles Krauthammer shudders in fear each time he takes to the air-waves?

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